Free Spells to make Someone Call you

Are you tired of waiting for that special someone to call you? Do you wish there was a way to make them pick up the phone and reach out to you? Look no further, because we have the solution for you – free spells to make someone call you.

These spells are designed to attract the attention of the person you desire and make them reach out to you. Whether it’s a potential love interest or an old flame, these spells can help you get the call you’ve been waiting for.

Why Use Spells to Make Someone Call You?

Spells have been used for centuries to manifest desires and attract love. They tap into the power of the universe and use it to bring about the desired outcome. In this case, the outcome is to make someone call you.

Using spells to make someone call you can be a powerful tool in your love arsenal. It can help you get the attention of someone you’ve been pining for or reignite a spark with an old flame. These spells work by sending out a strong energy that draws the person towards you, making them feel the need to reach out to you.

Love Spells vs. Attraction Spells

Love spellby Oziel Gómez

Love spells and attraction spells are often used interchangeably, but they have different purposes. Love spells are designed to create a deep and lasting connection between two people, while attraction spells are meant to draw someone towards you and make them interested in you.

For the purpose of making someone call you, attraction spells are more suitable. They create a strong pull towards you, making the person feel the need to reach out to you. Love spells, on the other hand, may be too intense for this situation and could potentially backfire.

Free Spells to Make Someone Call You

Here are three powerful spells that you can use to make someone call you. Remember to always use spells for good intentions and with the consent of the person you are casting the spell on.

Spell 1: The Phone Call Charm

This spell uses the power of a charm to make someone call you. You will need a small charm or trinket that represents a phone, such as a miniature phone charm or a small toy phone.

  1. Hold the charm in your dominant hand and visualize the person you want to call you.
  2. Focus on the charm and imagine it connecting you to that person.
  3. Chant the following incantation three times:

“By the power of this charm, I call upon (person’s name) to call me. Let the phone ring and bring us together, So mote it be.”

  1. Place the charm in a visible spot, such as on your desk or bedside table.
  2. Wait for the person to call you.

Spell 2: The Candle Spell

Candle spellby Brittani Burns

This spell uses the power of a candle to attract the attention of the person you desire. You will need a red candle, a photo of the person, and a small piece of paper.

  1. Light the red candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Place the photo of the person next to the candle.
  3. Write the person’s name on the piece of paper and place it under the candle.
  4. Close your eyes and visualize the person calling you.
  5. Chant the following incantation three times:

“By the light of this flame, I call upon (person’s name) to call me. Let the fire ignite their desire, So mote it be.”

  1. Let the candle burn out completely.
  2. Wait for the person to call you.

Spell 3: The Mirror Spell

This spell uses the power of a mirror to reflect the person’s thoughts and make them think of you. You will need a small mirror and a photo of the person.

  1. Place the mirror in front of you.
  2. Hold the photo of the person in your hands and look at it in the mirror.
  3. Visualize the person calling you.
  4. Chant the following incantation three times:

“As I look into this mirror, I call upon (person’s name) to call me. Let their thoughts be drawn to me, So mote it be.”

  1. Place the photo and mirror in a safe place.
  2. Wait for the person to call you.

Tips for Casting Spells

Spell castingby Matt Seymour

Here are some tips to keep in mind when casting spells to make someone call you:

  • Always have good intentions and respect the free will of the person you are casting the spell on.
  • Use visualization and focus to strengthen the spell.
  • Be patient and trust in the power of the universe to bring about the desired outcome.
  • Keep your spells and ingredients in a safe and sacred space.
  • Use spells in conjunction with other methods, such as reaching out to the person or improving your communication skills.

In Conclusion

Using spells to make someone call you can be a powerful tool in attracting the attention of the person you desire. These spells tap into the energy of the universe and create a strong pull towards you, making the person feel the need to reach out to you.

Remember to always use spells with good intentions and respect the free will of others. With the right mindset and focus, these spells can help you get the call you’ve been waiting for.