Harnessing the Power of Candles: Invoking Good Luck

Candles have been used for centuries in various spiritual and religious practices. They are believed to hold a powerful energy that can be harnessed for different purposes. One of the most popular uses of candles is to invoke good luck and blessings. In this article, we will explore the different ways you can use candles to attract good luck into your life.

Choosing the Right Candle

Good luck candlesby Erik Mclean

The first step in harnessing the power of candles for good luck is to choose the right candle. While any candle can be used for this purpose, there are certain types of candles that are believed to be more effective. These include green candles for prosperity and abundance, yellow candles for success and happiness, and white candles for purity and protection. You can also choose a candle with a specific scent that resonates with your intention, such as cinnamon for luck or lavender for peace and harmony.

Setting Your Intention

Before lighting your candle, it is important to set your intention. This means focusing your mind on what you want to attract into your life. You can write down your intention on a piece of paper and place it under the candle, or simply visualize your desired outcome while holding the candle in your hands. This step is crucial in directing the energy of the candle towards your specific goal.

Lighting the Candle

Once you have chosen the right candle and set your intention, it is time to light the candle. As you light the wick, visualize the flame as a symbol of your intention and the energy you are sending out into the universe. You can also say a prayer or affirmation to further strengthen your intention. It is important to let the candle burn all the way down, as blowing it out can disrupt the energy flow.

Repeating the Process

Blessing candlesby Sergei Solo

To increase the effectiveness of your good luck candle, you can repeat the process for a certain number of days or until the candle has burned out completely. This will help to continuously send out your intention and keep the energy flowing towards your desired outcome. You can also choose to light multiple candles at once, each with a different intention, to amplify the energy and attract multiple blessings into your life.

Using Candle Magic

Candle magic is a form of spellwork that involves using candles to manifest your desires. This can be a powerful tool in invoking good luck and blessings. To perform a candle magic ritual, you will need a specific color candle, anointing oil, and any other items that resonate with your intention, such as crystals or herbs. You can find many candle magic spells and rituals online, or you can create your own based on your personal beliefs and intentions.


Candles have been used for centuries as a tool for manifestation and invoking good luck. By choosing the right candle, setting your intention, and using candle magic, you can harness the power of candles to attract blessings and good luck into your life. Remember to always practice caution when working with fire and never leave a candle unattended. With the right mindset and techniques, you can tap into the energy of candles and manifest your desires.