6 Powerful Spells for Instant Money Attraction

Money is a powerful force that can bring abundance and prosperity into our lives. However, sometimes it can feel like money is hard to come by, and we struggle to attract it into our lives. This is where the power of spells comes in. By harnessing the energy of the universe, we can use spells to attract money instantly. Here are six powerful spells that can help you manifest money and abundance in your life.

Green Candle Spell

Money spellby Traxer

Green candles are often associated with money and prosperity. To perform this spell, you will need a green candle, a piece of paper, and a pen. On the paper, write down your intention for attracting money, such as “I am open to receiving abundance and prosperity.” Light the candle and focus on your intention as you watch the flame. Visualize money flowing into your life and repeat your intention three times. Let the candle burn out completely.

Bay Leaf Spell

Bay leaves are known for their magical properties and can be used in spells for money attraction. To perform this spell, you will need a bay leaf, a pen, and a green candle. On the bay leaf, write down your intention for attracting money, such as “Money flows easily and abundantly into my life.” Light the candle and hold the bay leaf over the flame, visualizing your intention coming true. Once the leaf has burned, collect the ashes and scatter them outside your front door.

Citrine Crystal Spell

Citrine is a powerful crystal for attracting wealth and abundance. To perform this spell, you will need a citrine crystal and a green candle. Hold the crystal in your hands and visualize money flowing into your life. Place the crystal next to the candle and light it. As the candle burns, focus on your intention and the energy of the crystal. Once the candle has burned out, carry the crystal with you or keep it in a prominent place in your home.

Prosperity Bath Spell

Money bathby Marcus Loke

Baths are a great way to relax and cleanse your energy, making them the perfect setting for a money attraction spell. To perform this spell, you will need a green candle, a handful of basil leaves, and a handful of mint leaves. Light the candle and place it next to your bathtub. As you fill the tub with warm water, add the basil and mint leaves. As you soak in the bath, visualize money flowing into your life and repeat your intention three times.

Money Drawing Oil Spell

Money drawing oil is a powerful tool for attracting wealth and prosperity. To perform this spell, you will need a green candle, a few drops of money drawing oil, and a piece of paper. On the paper, write down your intention for attracting money, such as “I am a magnet for money and abundance.” Anoint the candle with the oil and light it. As the candle burns, focus on your intention and visualize money flowing into your life.

Abundance Jar Spell

An abundance jar is a powerful tool for manifesting money and prosperity. To perform this spell, you will need a jar, a green candle, and a few coins. Place the coins in the jar and light the candle next to it. As the candle burns, visualize the jar filling up with money and abundance. Once the candle has burned out, keep the jar in a prominent place in your home to continue attracting money and prosperity.

By using these powerful spells, you can tap into the energy of the universe and attract money and abundance into your life. Remember to always perform spells with positive intentions and an open heart. Have you tried any of these spells? Let us know in the comments.