Amazing Spells to Bring Ex Back Fast

Powerful Love Spells to Rekindle Lost Love

Losing the love of your life can be devastating. Whether it was a mutual decision or a sudden breakup, the pain and longing for your ex can be overwhelming. But what if there was a way to rekindle that lost love and bring your ex back into your life?

With the help of powerful spells, you can manifest the love and connection you once shared with your ex. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective spells to bring your ex back and rekindle the flame of your lost love.

Understanding Lost Love Spells

Before we dive into the specific spells, it’s important to understand what lost love spells are and how they work.

Lost love spells are a form of magic that is used to bring back a lost love or rekindle a past relationship. These spells tap into the energy of the universe and use it to manifest your desires. They can be performed by anyone, regardless of their experience with magic, as long as they have a strong intention and belief in the spell.

It’s important to note that lost love spells should not be used to manipulate or control someone. These spells should only be used with pure intentions and a desire to rekindle a lost love.

The Power of Intention

Candlesby Nico

Before casting any spell, it’s crucial to set a clear intention. This means being specific about what you want to achieve and visualizing it with all your heart and soul. The more focused and specific your intention is, the more powerful the spell will be.

When casting a lost love spell, your intention should be to rekindle the love and connection you once shared with your ex. It’s important to let go of any negative emotions or thoughts and focus solely on the love you have for your ex.

Spells to Bring Your Ex Back

Now that you understand the basics of lost love spells, let’s explore some powerful spells to bring your ex back.

The Red Candle Spell

This spell is best performed on a Friday, the day associated with love and relationships. You will need a red candle, a photo of you and your ex, and a piece of paper.

  1. Light the red candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Take the photo of you and your ex and place it next to the candle.
  3. Write your ex’s name on the piece of paper and place it on top of the photo.
  4. Close your eyes and visualize the love and connection you once shared with your ex.
  5. Chant the following spell three times:

“By the power of the universe, I call upon thee Bring back my love, so mote it be.”

  1. Blow out the candle and keep the photo and paper in a safe place.
  2. Wait for your ex to reach out to you or for an opportunity to reconnect.

The Rose Quartz Spell

Rose quartzby Claire Ward

Rose quartz is known as the stone of love and is often used in love spells. For this spell, you will need a rose quartz crystal, a pink candle, and a photo of you and your ex.

  1. Light the pink candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hands and close your eyes.
  3. Visualize the love and connection you once shared with your ex.
  4. Chant the following spell three times:

“Rose quartz, stone of love divine Bring back my love, make them mine.”

  1. Place the photo of you and your ex next to the candle.
  2. Keep the rose quartz crystal with you at all times until your ex reaches out to you.

The Honey Jar Spell

This spell is best performed on a full moon, the time associated with new beginnings and manifestation. You will need a jar of honey, a pink candle, and a photo of you and your ex.

  1. Light the pink candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Take the jar of honey and hold it in your hands.
  3. Visualize the love and connection you once shared with your ex.
  4. Chant the following spell three times:

“Honey sweet, bring back my love Manifest our connection from above.”

  1. Place the photo of you and your ex next to the candle.
  2. Pour the honey into the jar and seal it.
  3. Keep the jar in a safe place until your ex reaches out to you.

Spells to Heal a Broken Heart

Healing crystalsby Content Pixie

Losing a loved one can leave a deep wound in our hearts. These spells are designed to help heal a broken heart and move on from a past relationship.

The Lavender Bath Spell

This spell is best performed on a new moon, the time associated with new beginnings and healing. You will need lavender essential oil, Epsom salt, and a bathtub.

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water.
  2. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil and a cup of Epsom salt to the water.
  3. Light some candles and play soothing music.
  4. Step into the bath and close your eyes.
  5. Visualize the pain and hurt leaving your body and being replaced with love and healing.
  6. Chant the following spell three times:

“Lavender, bring peace to my heart Heal my wounds, make a new start.”

  1. Soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes.
  2. Drain the water and visualize all the negative energy leaving your body.

The Self-Love Spell

This spell is best performed on a Sunday, the day associated with self-care and self-love. You will need a pink candle, a mirror, and a piece of paper.

  1. Light the pink candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself.
  3. Write down all the things you love about yourself on the piece of paper.
  4. Chant the following spell three times:

“I am worthy, I am loved I am enough, I am above.”

  1. Burn the piece of paper in the candle flame.
  2. Look at yourself in the mirror and repeat the spell three times.
  3. Blow out the candle and keep it in a safe place.
  4. Repeat this spell every Sunday to boost your self-love and confidence.

Final Thoughts

Lost love spells can be a powerful tool to rekindle a lost love or heal a broken heart. However, it’s important to remember that these spells should only be used with pure intentions and a desire to manifest love and healing. With the right intention and belief, these spells can help you manifest the love and connection you once shared with your ex.